Tuesday 5 February 2019

Practical brief

Should have a clear purpose and outcome. It should draw on some of the approaches and strategies explored in your essay. Aim to resolve the brief with experimentation and a diverse use of media.

Analysing the brief - audience considerations - visual research - initial ideas - process/develop/illiterate - feedback - develop/finesse - final outcome

Ideas for brief:
Poster series for exhibition? E.g. modernist/contemporary artist

Poster for a creative educational event? (Such as lecture or workshop)

Use these subheadings:
- Title (the artist and where)
- Background (who the artist is, what the exhibition is)
- Brief (simplify everything under the subheadings)
- Deliverables (amount of posters, size)
- Mandatory requirements (must include info of exhibition and place of exhibitions logo)
- Aim (to reflect the artist, utilise postmodern typefaces & layouts with consideration of the relevance of legibility within its context.)

Use the formatting to produce a brief for practical investigation.

Title: Ceal Floyer at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Background: Ceal Floyer (b. 1968) is a contemporary visual artist  known for her work that explores a variety of media to convey her outlook on the everyday.
Although her work is contemporary, it has a modernistic approach, conveying her ideas in a minimal way.
This exhibition is held in great anticipation for the appearance at the BALTIC, due to its international reputation, being the UK's largest dedicated contemporary art institution.
Brief: 1 A2 poster and a 2 page booklet to promote and inform Ceal Floyers exhibition at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art. They should reflect the status of the BALTIC and present Ceal Floyers work in an informative manner.
Deliverables: 1 A2 poster and a 2 page booklet.
Mandatory requirements: Must include the BALTIC centre's logo, with the correct date, place and artists name. Needs to represent the artists contemporary work.
Aim: To reflect the contemporary work of Ceal Floyer, utilising postmodern typeface and layouts, with consideration for the legibility of the type.

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