Tuesday 8 January 2019

Notes for essay 2

(Draft by beginning of February.)

‘What is the definition and role of “legibility” in relation to contemporary typographic practises.’

Critical writing
Clear and confident refusal to accept the conclusions of other writers without evaluating arguments and evidence they provide.
Balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of other writers may be accepted or treated with caution.
Own evidence and arguments leading to conclusion.
Recognition of limitations in your own evidence, arguments and conclusion.

Example of structure
Point 1: images to illustrate, and presentation of who says this point (reference).
Evaluate: any arguments from other people (reference).
Counterpoint: suggest a solution with images and move onto next point, relating to point 1.

Familiarize key terms ensuring full understanding. Will have to juggle with competing definitions.

Key terms:
(Legibility is the ease with which a reader can recognise individual characters in text.)
Typography and communication
(The art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it.)
(The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality.)
Form follows function
( the shape should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose.)
Modern vs. postmodern debates

Build on what you have researched in first essay.


  1. Understand the question
  2. Understand key terms
  3. Understand debates and/or perspective on issue
  4. Taking notes thoroughly and efficiently (not collecting quotes)
  5. Form your thesis
  6. Structure essay - introduce issue, explore debates/perspectives, conclude
  7. Write essay

Look at the changes in type along with art as whole. Bring in technology. 

(Books to look at at home - one you got for chrimbo and art now for the brief.)

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