Sunday 24 February 2019

Booklet development & finalising

Initial designs:

This first design uses the perspective grid to place the images in a similar way the letterforms were placed. The text is then in columns fitting on top of the images. This appears quite repetitive and although fitting amongst the contents of the design, the text looks odd in its layout.

This layout is similar to the last but with the images on the left and the text fitting around the grid on the right. The type looks uncomfortable in its placement.

This design turns the grid on its side with three images next to it. The text fits into the grid. This creates amore interesting booklet as a whole with continuity, however there are many issues with the layout. The fold of the paper will disrupt the readability of the text. Also, as Floyers work appears minimalistic with a contemporary idea, the design should have minimalistic appearance. This design is embellished unnecessarily.

In final attempts to use the perspective grid, this design mirrors it in the middle of the page and fits both the text and images into the layout. Again, the fold hasn't be considered, creasing the text. The grid also limits the site of the contents of the page, leaving a lot of empty space.

The final design has the text on the edges of both sides of the paper, testing its readability. The images are simply placed in the middle. This is a much more minimal, functional design, however would also appeal to a contemporary audience with experimentation of readability of the type, and the legibility of the colour choices.

Final design to be tested on card stock

As white is costly to be printed, the design has been made to print the design onto grey or a silver card stock with dark grey type. This will keep the minimalistic nature of the design and limited legibility idea, whilst being cost effective. The artists name and the date of the exhibition has also been placed into the design, spreading over the two sides of the page and over the images. This disrupts the legibility of the images, in order the letterforms the most legible.
Final poster design

The design that uses the image of Floyers work has been chosen as the final post due to it being the best in representing her work. The typeface also has a direct link to the idea behind its design. 

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