Wednesday 10 October 2018

Module Briefing


This module is to help develop effective approaches to documenting, recording, writing and communicating responses to the context of practice within graphic design. The outcome consists of research, critical awareness, problem analysis, visual quality/technical competence,and presentation and communication. 

The module is split into three sections:

This blog will consist of at least 10 posts recording development and production, which will help make sense of the module.

2 X 1250 word pieces of critical writing.
The first essay will look at the general background of the chosen area of graphic design to establish important information. It will be a chronological, historical overview using research from credible authors.
The second essay will be based around a question, entailing a critical discussion. It will show ability to synthesise, combine, contrast or triangulate using multiple texts.

I will work from a self-set brief, generated from/linking to essay question. This will outline my hypothetical client, audience, purpose, and deliverable outcome. I will document all experimentation, exploration, innovation and finalisation on my blog, summarising on design boards. It will be a coherent and well-developed design outcome.


Context - to understand the circumstances of that of the form. Social, cultural, political, technological. Historical.

Graphic Design - communication, commercial, reproducible and distributable, juxtaposition/integration of word and/or image. For mass scale.

Functions - information, persuasion, decoration, transformation, phatic, means of social (re)production, visual culture, promotion, mass communication.

E.G. - BBC Reith by David Bailey. Designed to reinforce British nationalism?

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